Curled up on a nearby duvet is a delicious smoochy pooch. Toffee coloured, muscular, big boobs, small but stocky - can look intimidating but is (mostly) just curious and gentle HOWEVER, she has the capacity to bite your face off at the drop of a hat. Am I talking about me [again], no, Lady Marzipan, aka TW. Not the kind of mutt that I usually find ascetically pleasing but I have wanted a four-legged companion for such a long time that I truly feel that one of those empty chambers in my heart has been filled at last. Wow, melodramatic or what but I actually have a tear or two in my eye as I type this stream of consciousness! She is currently gently snoring after a day of two long walks, two good meals and my company. I have just realised in hindsight that as with so much else in my life,
you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need. [I know a song about that~!] Funny, she has only been with us a few weeks but I know that already without any shadow of a doubt. the same way I knew about that other toffee coloured creature in my life - himself (or as he likes to be called "Master"), that she is a keeper.
I did ask myself that typical narcissistic question "... why can't I just exactly have what I want" I mean if I really want a particular type of dog when why not just buy one, thousands of people do. But although I toyed with it for an hour or so and surfed the various breeding sites, ultimately I just couldn't do it. It had to be a dog given up for adoption and through a circuitous route, Lady M came our way. On paper I wasn't sure but something made me decide to follow through on the meet and greet and once seen, the Lady M spun her charms and if not love, it was certainly respect at first sight - and we should never under estimate the power of the wagging tail, because we all just want to be loved.
She is allowing me to be me, what a great beginning