Friday, 28 March 2014

Just get FARCed.....! Focus, be Aware, Repeat and Celebrate

Drop to the heart, to the illuminated velvet, the place where love is - a quote(ish) by Amanda Gore.

I listened to a great podcast a couple of weeks ago called 'Up for a chat' when I started this post.  I was in a great frame of mind and to 'celebrate' Fri(pay)day, I got myself an lovely drop of organic shiraz.   I then got hungry and left this first line and now, 24 hours later, my mood is much altered.  I was OK most of the day, it was a good day in fact but my inner-voice hates me.   How can I stick to the FARCed track?

Focus, be aware, repeat and celebrate

How can I actually, consistently start to finally do the things I want to, despite myself, achieve what I want to achieve, without that enemy within taking over again and AGAIN.  Some might call it depression and perhaps that is what it is but I can't push myself to really do anything about it, admit to it, get over it.  I feel like I am just wasting my life.

I started this post two weeks ago and I feel somewhat different now,

So how about teardrops to 'raindrops'