Thursday, 5 January 2012

Is it really nice to be nice?

What do you think of when someone says "oh yes, [insert name] is nice...".  Many years ago a mate said to me that she thought being described as "nice" was damning.  I agreed readily but I was being nice as I wanted to please her and I didn't really care one way or the other.  I knew deep down that I wasn't particularly nice but then the more you say that word the more meaningless becomes. 

So am I nice? I will turn to the dictionary to find out:

1.  pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit.
2.  amiably pleasant; kind: They are always nice to strangers.
3.  characterized by, showing, or requiring great accuracy, precision, skill, tact, care, or delicacy: nice workmanship; a nice shot; a nice handling of a crisis.

and a bland, beige, sugary biscuit - the kind of biscuit that doesn't promote much debate or loyalty, and in a variety pack it is likely to be one left to the end and only consumed because there is nothing else to choose from.  Think about it, a 'nice' verses a 'custard cream', a 'chocolate digestive', a 'hob-nob', a 'bourbon' a 'gypsy cream', a marshmallow 'tea-cake' or even a 'pink wafer'.  I know which one I would leave.

So am I nice?  Well yes and no.  I am kind to animals, children and strangers (it isn't their fault afterall).  In other situations, if it suits me I can be pleasing, agreeable and delightful. I am often amiable, pleasant and kind - even without there being something in it for me and, in work and other social situations I have been known to demonstrate varying degrees of accuracy, precision, skill, tact, care, or delicacy (but I did delete the word 'great').

So whilst other people are spending January in the gym, trying to resist the urge to max out their credit cards, improve their relationships, and all of that.  I have resolved that this year I will try to really understand myself.  Narcissistic, moi?

On the other hand I can be deplorable.  I regularly indulge in most (if not all) of the seven deadly sins and I have broken the ten commandments.  If certain religions are to be believed, I will burn in hell for eternity.  If this is the case then as these deeds have been done and cannot be undone, then why not be hung for a sheep as a lamb?  I am sure I am not the only individual to wrestle with this temptation and ordinarily I resist the urge, but dare I stop resisting?

I feel devilish and it could be an adventure, dare (under this cloak of anonymity as I am essentially a coward) I get all the accumulated of angst off my chest? 

As the great Oscar Wilde once said "I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train".

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