Apparently 'hump day' is the day when nothing can go wrong accordingly to the Urban Dictionary. Well I am not convinced about that but today has been pretty chilled so far. In at 10.15am, worked until 12noon. Went to gym, got back at work at 2.30(ish)pm, had lunch and did some more work. Now doing personal chores whilst thinking about this entry.
I was pleased with the work-out today, weighed in at 79.50kg, still a fat-lass but it is going down and haven't had any booze since Sunday - not much of a boast but boy, did I fancy a glass of red at the pub last night, resisted though. I have also decided to make other small in-roads by trying not to have any hot chocolates on the days when I go to the gym. Again not exactly a tough diet regime but I guess it all helps a bit.
I will also go for a walk for an hour when I get home so I am already look forward to that, just don't want to disappear from work too early!!
When I look at this handsome chap in the picture, two things come to mind - people in my past 'got the hump' pronounced '..ump' which always amused me as I never really understood it - basically upset, got the pip, cheesed-off - but why a hump?
Or on a brighter note, a fantastic experience on holiday when I got on one of these magnificant beasts with himself, getting on the camel and then it standing up was a thrill ride with a difference and it was nice to ride the camel tandem style. I assume I was at the front but I can't really recall. I do though recall having a fantastic time and a new found respect for camels - it was a great ride. The place itself was magical and another standout memory was the sunset the first night we were there. Photos we took did it no justice but standing there with a glass of red in hand in that extraordinary light was a wonderful feeling.
That reminds me, I must organise our next mini-break. We had a day off together last Friday and did the hot springs and that was a lovely time too. Not a payday though, still you can't have it all.....!
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