Not too sure why my mind has strayed onto this topic - just the two words, second word NOW. But I wonder if what is on my mind reminds me of the themes from that movie, not the 'horror' but perhaps the more banal aspects. Hypocrisy = the practice of professing standards, beliefs, etc., contrary to one's real character or actual behaviour, especially the pretence of virtue and piety. Funny, I always protest to really dislike this trait in others and of course as usual - I doth protest too much!
You have to live with the people in hypocrisy for them to stay happy with you
I am one - there confession, but then that trait is deep in my DNA and I react with the emotional intelligence of a jellyfish (a stupid, reactionary one at that!) I just wish being mindful of it meant that I could take this, and various other repellent characteristics, and expunge them - have I swallowed a dictionary?
As per my usual motivation to err, emote, it has been sparked off by an incident, but probably more likely an accumulation of stuff, that has gotten on my ....... [fill in the blank] lately. Culminating this week in the discovery of my significant other surfing the net for the most banal thing on there but of course what men have been seeking out since time began - and secretly what it was invented for (well done Mr Tim Berners-Lee), well if not him then certainly the genius to came up with the 'reuxed' the tablet with its handy 'easy to wipe' screen! It could have been a lot worse and I did of course over-react and was indeed hypocritical (note to self: see previous Run Rabbit Run post!) but ultimately I was disappointed at the banality of the situation. What does it really say about our relationship blar blar... - it says that it is undoubtedly just as banal as many other relationships. What us 'modern' people seek and find very easily is instant gratification because we are all just lazy opportunists and for those of us lucky enough to survive in the developed world, we are surrounded by abundance, so why not just have it all and have it now?

Perhaps I should throw the bunny away, stop being a hypocrite and treat my significant other with some (over due) respect. But then simple but effective, no fuss, easy gratification is just so good!
Talk about mixed messages from the WWW. But then like every great oracle, interpretation can be found to justify any position!

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