Nudge. In this image I see my employer as the mommy elephant and I am very much the cute little calf, full of amazing potential. so they keep telling me, and although I suspect it may be true and is all very nice but staying with a lovely big body guard is very appealing. I have been allowed to relax in her presence, and like most toddlers, have a lot of attitude, play up and take advantage of the situation/s. But time is running out and even I can see what is coming. However, my employer is like a parent. Over the last few years I have morphed into a 'thing' that 'it' created and they have a moral responsibility to see me right! I hope I am not exactly Frankenstein's monster and more like Dumbo but nonetheless I am slightly dopey!
So over the next few weeks I will find out if I am in the 'redundant' pile for the first time. As I approach my half century would that be apposite!?
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